2021 Elmwood Park (IL) Winter Bocce League Starts

Elmwood Park, Illinois Recreation Department is starting it’s 1st Winter Indoor Bocce League on January 4, 2021.  Bocce has become incredibly popular with both women and men in the summer over the past 6 years.  This fall, 4 brand new 60′ x 10′ AstroTurf courts were built inside the recreation building at to accommodate our players / residents of Elmwood Park.

The first 80 teams that pay will fill the 6pm and 8pm game slots each Monday – Friday.

Newcomers are welcome.  Let’s us know you would like to join a team.

Please contact Mike Ciancio at the Elmwood Park Rec Center at 4 Conti Parkway.

Look up Elmwood Park Bocce League on Facebook for more information or email Mike.